Category: Laws

The Relationship Between Bail Bonds and the Criminal Justice System

The relationship between bail bonds and the criminal justice system can be complex. At Golden Boy Bail Bonds we believe in educating our clients and helping them navigate this important aspect of the justice system. In this article, we will delve into the interplay between bail bonds and the criminal justice system to provide jail information by Golden Boy Bail Bonds and help you better understand the process.

First, the Relationship between Bail and Pretrial Detention

A large number of defendants are jailed pretrial often because they cannot afford to post bail. This often leads to a long wait in jail before they can see their day in court and even longer waiting while the case goes to trial.

These jailings have been linked to a host of negative outcomes including: increased risk of conviction, heightened stress, increased anxiety, decreased mental health and emotional well-being and reduced quality of life. The fact that the majority of people in jail are from low income families is an additional reason that the use of bail for pretrial detention has been linked to poor outcomes.

Next, the Relationship between Bail and Missed Court Dates

Those who are jailed because they cannot afford to …