Tag: roofing

Why Conical Roof Is Making Headlines?

A conical roof is a roofing design that is gaining popularity in the United States.

Cone roofs are not only stylish, but they also offer many benefits.

The cone-shaped roof has been around for centuries and has been used in both residential and commercial buildings. The first use of a cone-shaped roof was back in the 12th century in the form of a donjon or keep, which was an upper-level tower used as a residence or stronghold.

This type of roof was later popularized by architect Frank Lloyd Wright, who designed many buildings that featured this type of style.

Cone shaped roof is not just for residential homes; they can be found on many commercial buildings as well. One example is the Dallas Cowboys Stadium.

What is a Conical Roof?

A conical roof is a round conical construction that is shaped like an inverted cone. It is also known as a round roof, turret roof, witches hat roof, dish or bubble roof, and it’s characterized by an upside-down cone shape.

The cone shaped roof has been around for many centuries and was built by many cultures. These roofs were often used in medieval times as a way to protect the