Elements Home Improvements Laws The Relationship Between Bail Bonds and the Criminal Justice System

The Relationship Between Bail Bonds and the Criminal Justice System

The relationship between bail bonds and the criminal justice system can be complex. At Golden Boy Bail Bonds we believe in educating our clients and helping them navigate this important aspect of the justice system. In this article, we will delve into the interplay between bail bonds and the criminal justice system to provide jail information by Golden Boy Bail Bonds and help you better understand the process.

First, the Relationship between Bail and Pretrial Detention

A large number of defendants are jailed pretrial often because they cannot afford to post bail. This often leads to a long wait in jail before they can see their day in court and even longer waiting while the case goes to trial.

These jailings have been linked to a host of negative outcomes including: increased risk of conviction, heightened stress, increased anxiety, decreased mental health and emotional well-being and reduced quality of life. The fact that the majority of people in jail are from low income families is an additional reason that the use of bail for pretrial detention has been linked to poor outcomes.

Next, the Relationship between Bail and Missed Court Dates

Those who are jailed because they cannot afford to post bail do not appear in court because of financial or logistical reasons. These are not intentional no shows instead they typically cite forgetfulness or a lack of knowledge about their case. In most cases, these are not a cause for concern for the court. In some case, the judge may impose an extended grace period in which the defendant is not required to pay forfeited bail.

In some states, the law also allows for defendants to appeal their failed bail, and the courts may grant them a hearing. During these proceedings the court will make a decision about whether to reinstate bail or not.

Finally, the Relationship between Bail and Bond Forfeiture

The most common way in which bail bond companies fail to ensure their clients appear in court is by failing to deposit cash with the courts. This makes it difficult for courts to recover the money they are owed from the bond company when their client fails to appear in court.

This problem has led to a growing number of reports by journalists and government agencies around the country that have documented widespread problems with bond forfeitures in their local jurisdictions. In the most recent survey 28 states reported that at least some of their courts had serious issues with bond forfeitures such as allowing bond companies to avoid accountability by collecting collateral or failing to collect any money from them at all.

Moreover this system of profiteering from the bail bond industry has been linked to serious public safety concerns and it can also lead to serious human rights violations. For example, by imposing unaffordable bail amounts on defendants the use of bail for pretrial detention can make it more difficult for those accused of crimes to obtain legal counsel receive medical treatment or mental health care and access housing. Additionally, by requiring a defendant to post a large amount of bail the use of bail for pretrial detention exacerbates the disparities between Black people and white people in terms of who are more likely to be arrested and held in jail.

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